Micro-needling, also more commonly known as Dermaroller is an ideal treatment for skin problems such as acne scars, aged skin, stretch marks, etc. The use of our premium-grade serum enhances collagen regeneration to improve the skin surface.
During which the roller’s micro-needles stimulate the deeper layers of your skin, it encourage the production of an important substance called collagen. Collagen is important to the healthy and youthful appearance of skin, and when produced as a result of Dermaroller, you can see a dramatic effect on a number of conditions.
Dermaroller is the most effective way to treat scar problems of any form, depressed acne scars and hypertrophic scars after operations or accidents. Compared with any other conventional acne treatments, Dermaroller produces more visible, lasting and impressive improvement.

* Results for each individual may vary depending on several other factors. The information above is only a reference.
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