
ovela clinic

Ovela Clinic adalah klinik estetika yang berlokasi di Jakarta Selatan. Kami menawarkan berbagai perawatan kulit dan tubuh serta pemahaman yang lebih dalam akan perlunya menjaga kesehatan secara komprehensif. Selain berdiri sebagai klinik perawatan kulit (klinik kecantikan), kami juga menyediakan perawatan lainnya seperti Terapi Ozon, pengobatan pencegahan dan pendekatan anti penuaan holistic.


Kami menawarkan berbagai solusi estetika bagi setiap pasien yang menginginkan kulitnya untuk tampak lebih muda dan segar, namun merasa belum siap untuk menjalani prosedur operasi. Berbagai perawatan estetika yang kami tawarkan berkisaran dari teknik non – hingga semi-invasif, yang dibagi menjadi tiga kategori besar yaitu: perawatan estetika eksternal (peremajaan kulit, glowing facial, mesotherapy, chemical peeling, botox/filler, IPL photo rejuvenation, pelangsingan tubuh, hair removal,dsb);perawatan anti aging (terapi hormone replacement); serta preventive healthcare (vaksin, pemeriksaan laboratorium, serta asuransi hidup dan kesehatan). Melalui perawatan medis komprehensif yang dilakukan oleh para dokter professional kami, terciptalah suatu konsep baru tentang kecantikan yang dipersembahkan khusus untuk setiap klien kami.

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dokter kami

Dr.Ovin Endah Lestari, B.Med.Sc, Dipl CIBTAC

Dr.Ovin obtained her medical degree at University of Indonesia, in Jakarta, and at the same time, achieved her Bachelor of Medical Science at University of Melbourne, Australia. She also had an internship in Dermatology Department at National Skin Centre (NSC), Singapore in 2009. In early 2011, she was finally internationally UK-certified for skin treatment approaches and cosmeticologie. Establishing a well-running medical practice, as to support pro-bono activities, has been her dreams since she was a medical student. Dr. Ovin also believes in inspiring and educating people for healthy lifestyles, to integrate wellness and beauty in their lives. Through her carriers, Dr Ovin had her medical practice at Premiere Clinique, an anti aging solution, in Plaza Indonesia, and continued her career as an assistant of Senior Dermatologist in Pelni Hospital. Other than medical field, Dr Ovin finds herself enjoyable as a presenter/host or moderator for a TV program, especially in a medical-related or educational program, for Bunda Hospital, FKUI-RSCM, MPR-RI, ANTV, Trans TV, Prodia, pro-bono events, etc. Her leisure times have become very useful for others too, as she writes medical articles for magazine, see www.ovelaclinic.com, page ‘Media’. And lastly, Dr Ovin intends to offer her patients in Ovela Clinic a ‘beyond medical care’ experience. Contact Dr Ovin at dr.ovin@ovela-clinic.com

Catch dr. Ovin on instagram @dr.ovin

Other Practicing Aesthetic Doctors :

Dr. Ajeng Mega Susanti

Dr. Ajeng Mega is a professional medical practitioner who puts a huge interest in face beautification. She graduated from a prestigious Trisakti University in Indonesia and has been in the aesthetic field for more than 4 years. Dr. Ajeng Mega has participated in numerous national and international anti aging and aesthetic congresses, including private workshops and trainings held by certified international trainers. Having a belief that the greatest wealth is health, she is always passionate in educating others for healthy livings with her warm personality. Contact Dr. Ajeng Mega at dr.ajeng@ovela-clinic.com

Catch dr. Ajeng on instagram @dr.AjengMega

Dr. Jessica Panjaitan, M.Biomed (AAM)

Dr. Jessica mendapatkan gelar kedokterannya di Universitas Sumatera Utara pada tahun 2017 dan memperoleh gelar Master of Biomedical Science in Anti Aging and Aesthetic Medicine dengan predikat Magna Cumlaude di Universitas Prima Indonesia pada tahun 2022.

Dengan pengalaman di bidang skin care sebagai dokter estetik dan manager medis, Dr. Jessica saat ini tercatat sebagai anggota PERDAWERI (Perhimpunan Dokter Anti Penuaan, Wellness, Estetik & Regeneratif Indonesia).

Selain membaca buku di waktu senggangnya, beliau juga aktif mengikuti berbagai seminar dan pelatihan mengenai anti aging, wellness dan estetika.

Quotes : “The best foundation you can wear is glowing healthy skin”.

Contact Dr. Jessica at info@ovela-clinic.com

Our Managing Director :

  • Mr. Rainer William

Supported by our nurses, pharmacists, and other ovela team.

Contact us: info@ovela-clinic.com