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PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma)

Platelet Rich PlasmaPRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) is an advanced skin rejuvenation approach using patient’s own blood as the serum, aiming to stimulate collagen production of the skin. This individualized serum is yielded from the patient’s blood, undergone a specific process, resulting a collection of PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma). PRP serum, which is high in growth factors are very beneficial to rejuvenate skin, as an anti-aging solution. Besides, PRP injection will fade away the acne scars and minimize skin pores.

Acne, ranging in severity from mild to severe that can cause scarring, is one of the most common issues people have. Acne scars develop when acne has damaged the collagen and dermis, and it is so hard to remove. Ovela Clinic provides PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) as a suitable treatment for acne scarring. (very recommended as acne scar treatment)

PRP for Acne Scar


After 1x PRP

After 2x PRP

After 3x PRP

* Results for each individual may vary depending on several other factors. The information above is only a reference.

PRP Treatment



* Results for each individual may vary depending on several other factors. The information above is only a reference.

Benefits of PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma):

  • No risk of allergy, reaction or rejection
  • The ability to help your skin heal faster
  • Significant skin rejuvenation for a longer period of time

PRP for Hair Treatment

PRP for Hair is ideal for anyone looking to fight against hair loss and thinning hair with a non-surgical procedure. The treatment is performed by microinjections with a special blood plasma solution injected into the scalp. After 8x PRP for Hair treatments the results are clear: hair follicles are stronger, improved blood circulation to the scalp stimulates hair growth, the structure of the hair is improved, it is more flexible, stronger and glossier. PRP for Hair is the best hair regrowth solution for anyone who desperately seek help for their thin hair problem.

This treatment can be used to:

  • It accelerates the blood circulation around the hair scalp so as to invigorate the hair follicles
  • No side effects are associated with this treatment
  • No need to be subjected to a scalpel or to be exposed to harmful chemicals
  • It doesn’t require either hospitalization or bandages
  • Strengthens hair roots
  • Reduce Hair loss
  • Nourish the hair follicles

* Results for each individual may vary depending on several other factors. The information above is only a reference.

Watch PRP Video Now [click here]

Watch PRP Video Now [click here]

Watch PRP Video Now [click here]

Watch PRP Hair Loss Treatment Video (English Subtitle available) [click here]



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